Additional reset file to remove margins and such.
Standard normalise file, this is not included by default, because we haven’t needed it. To include it in a project, uncomment the include declaration in the base.setup sass file.
Our core mixins, outside of the mixins that bourbon provides. mk-grid-column-class-loop( $breakpoint ) Mixin to loop through the grid columns and generate class names mk-media-query( $breakpoint-from: false, $breakpoint-until: false )…
Helper classes to use within templates, these are designed as ‘trump’ classes, so if applied to an element, they will be forcibly applied. There are numerous helper classes, most of…
Another type of generator for generating grid widths. This is the version we commonly use, because it outputs significantly less css. Most elements can be aligned to the design in…
This file generates the grid width classes for the major breakpoints, IF the variable $mk-grid-generator is set to true. By default, this is set to FALSE, because the grid generator outputs…
This contains the core functions needed for the Matter Kit, outside of the functions that bourbon provides. Below is a list of functions that are standard across installs. mk-get-media-query-size( $size )…
Allow floated elements to be cleared and the flow of the document restored. Floats are not used generally in the base – we use display-inline block instead, however some 3rd…
Changes the default box-sizing to ‘border-box’ which means padding and borders appear on the ‘inside’ of the element, rather than being added to the outside. The way this is set…